Pre-order your freshly dug tree today!

Now is a great time to incorporate new trees into your landscape. Soon to be cooler temperatures mean less stress on trees but plenty of time for roots to grow before the ground freezes. Let us help you find the perfect tree for your yard. Freshly dug right from our nursery. Stop in the garden center or call to pre-order your tree today!

Featured trees available for pre-order.

Additional varieties available, please call for more details.

Autumn Blaze Maple

Drought tolerance and exceptionally bright red fall color are hallmarks of this popular and proven performer.

Red Point Maple

Brilliant red fall color plus upright, broadly pyramidal form make this maple a standout.

Norwegian Sunset Maple

An upright oval tree with yellow-orange to red fall color, has a particularly nice branch structure and uniform canopy.

Brandywine Maple

Seedless, it produces deep red fall color ten days later than most red maples.

Sugar Maple

Sugar Maples cast cool shade in summer and blaze with bright color in autumn.

State Street Maple

Rough corky bark and leaf shape are similar to Hedge Maple, but its stronger growth rate and ascending branch habit result in a larger mature size. Excellent drought and cold tolerance and clean, pest-free foliage.

Crimson Sunset Maple

Heat tolerance is the distinguishing characteristic of the Crimson Sunset. It flourishes in the summer heat where few purple leafed plants will grow.

Brian Neumann